The pandemic brought a shift in consumer payments that is here to say. Ecommerce in the U.S. rose to $469B in 2021, an increase from $431B in 2020. But with this rise has come the increased threat of fraud and cyberattacks as hackers target this growing channel. Bluefin provides a full payment and data security suite through our PayConex platform™ to secure your Ecommerce transactions and PII, protecting your brand and your customers.
Ecommerce payment and data protection
PCI-validated P2PE
PCI P2PE is the gold standard of encryption for MOTO payments entered through a P2PE device for Ecommerce processing.
3D Secure
3D Secure (3DS) works behind the scenes on your checkout form to authenticate cardholder transactions and shift chargeback liability.
ShieldConex® Tokenization
ShieldConex, available through PayConex and as a stand-alone solution, immediately tokenizes PHI, PII and payments entered through our iFrame or via an API connection with Bluefin.
Anti-fraud Scoring
Our anti-fraud scoring tool leverages state-of-the-art machine learning models and established rules to identify good customers and highlight risky transactions.
A Guide on How to Keep Your Business and Your Customers Safe from Fraudsters
Learn more about the most common types of fraud, available security tools and choosing the best solution.
Find out more about our eCommerce solutions
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