NCSAM Week 4 : The Internet Wants You – Consider a Career in Cybersecurity
According to a study by the Center for Cyber Safety and Education, by 2022, there will be a shortage of…
DetailsYou’ve come to the right place for payment and data security news. Here you’ll find breaking industry news, as well as stories about our people, products and innovative ideas.
According to a study by the Center for Cyber Safety and Education, by 2022, there will be a shortage of…
DetailsToday, digital payments exist for every aspect of life. COVID may have accelerated the process of cash and checks being…
DetailsFBI, Trend Micro Issue Warnings to Merchants Recent point-of-sale malware attacks, and reports about emerging malware strains, highlight why more…
DetailsBluefin P2PE partner Transaction Network Services (TNS) recently released Consumer Payment Card Data Security Perceptions, a report that addresses consumers’…
DetailsA new Visa bulletin provided to merchants and payment processors warns of the increased threat of skimming devices being placed…
DetailsMerchants must adapt to consumer demands to keep their customers. And more and more of these customers are millennials, who…
DetailsRetailers understand that to keep customers satisfied while enhancing the overall shopping experience, they must stay ahead of the curve…
DetailsIf recent global security breaches impacting over 200,000 computers in 150 countries and costing millions are anything to go by,…
DetailsWhen you think of innovative industries, education and government don’t necessarily rush to the front of the line. But according…
DetailsThis week, Bluefin attended the 50th Association of Fundraising Professionals Conference in San Diego. As expected, it was a packed…
DetailsA new First Data study finds that only 11% of consumers trust retailers to properly handle data breaches – fraudsters…
DetailsDavid King, CTO of our P2PE partner, OnPlan Health, joins us today to discuss the importance of payment security to…